
"Music in Alaska"

Listening to Piano Music is Important!

Posted by on Jan 10, 2012

The first step in learning to play the piano is listening.  At all ages this is important and foundational, early beginner through adult.  Solo piano music is best, it gives us the chance to listen to the nuance and details in melodies that were written specifically for the piano.  Ensemble music featuring the piano is great as well, this teaches us to listen to where the piano fits in musically in the different styles.  Solo to accompaniment, all roles are good to understand when learning to play the piano.

Recommended recordings:

All ages…

Suzuki Piano, All Volumes 1-7

George Winston, Ballads and Blues

Older ages…

Beethoven Piano Sonatas Favorites

Mozart Piano Sonatas Favorites

Any classical piano music compilation recordings

Oscar Peterson Trio, Night Train

Any jazz piano music compilation recordings

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